Ryan Celebrates Winning the Twins’ Due Date Bet

OK either Ryan Seacrest is psychic or Ryan Seacrest is psychic. Not only did "Uncle Tio Ryan" guess the twins’ genders correctly, he also guessed their due date to a tee

As previously reported, Sisanie welcomed her twins, Aiza Delmar and Maxon Jae Villaclara, with husband Michael on Wednesday, May 2. 

Back in April, Ryan, Tanya Rad and Patty Rodriguez all placed bets on when the twins would arrive. 

“We made a show bet and I was the least qualified to guess this,” Ryan recalled during Thursday’s May 3 show. “Patty guessed a birth date and Tanya guessed a birth date, all of which have passed, and something in my mind stood out about May 2.”

Well, he was right! And not only did he guess May 2 correctly, he also guessed the EXACT TIME — well, kind of. 

Ryan guessed the twins would be born at 11:15 am and Sisanie went into labor Wednesday morning and left for the hospital at 11:15 am 😱 The twins were also born on a Wednesday, AKA a #HumpDayBumpDay (!!!)

Sisanie is recovering well with her mini-mes and hubby at the hospital. While sending Sis off on maternity leave, Ryan gave an emotional toast

“I want you to know how much joy and pride I have for you and your husband Michael as you’re about to become parents for the first time,” he said last week on-air. “I know you will be amazing parents … I also know we will miss you while you are gone, but we will have comfort in knowing you are off making the world a better place by bringing two more of yous and Michaels into the world.”

Click here to learn everything we know about the twins, including the meaning behind their names! 

Sisanie will be off for a couple of months on maternity leave and since she can't call in or work, we will be keeping listeners up-to-date weekly with a new segment we've dubbed #StalkingSisanie by following her social media updates and talking with her husband Michael!

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