Sisanie’s Restaurant High Chair Hack All Parents Need to Know

Sisanie hit the road for the first time with the twins and her husband Michael over the weekend and journeyed the six hour drive to San Francisco! In this week’s "New Mom Monday" update, Sis shared that she learned a life-changing restaurant hack. 

“When you are at a restaurant, if you flip their high chair upside down … your car seat snaps right in!” Sisanie shares. “My mind was blown.”

The first time parents also resorted to children’s music when it came to surviving the long car ride with Aiza and Maxon, who are 6 1/2 months old. 

“Both babies started crying on our road trip to San Francisco and we put on children’s music and they both instantly stopped!” Sis adds. “Michael and I both looked at each other amazed.”

Sisanie’s twins also started eating solid foods! As previously shared, she’s slowly been introducing foods such as oatmeal into their diets.

Learn more in Sisanie’s "New Mom Monday" update above!

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