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Sisanie is co-host of Ryan Seacrest's show On Air With Ryan on KIIS FM Los Angeles' Hit Music radio station from 5am-11am.Full Bio


This New Version of the ABC Song Is Going Viral!

You tell me…am I just being resistant to change? Or is this actually just wrong?

We all know the ABC song…we all learn it when we’re tiny…but now SOMEONE is trying to ruin it and it’s all wrong!

It's unofficially officially changed. Teachers are singing the melody differently than how we know it…because kids are thinking “L-M-N-O-P” is one letter

And that “Y and Z” sounds like “Y-N-Z”.

OK, fair points…I guess…but go listen to the new version!

Thoughts??? I hate it! We all figured it out that L-M-N-O-P were separate letters so why change it now?

Or am I being unreasonable?

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