Many times, women say “sorry” and apologize far too often for things that aren’t necessary to apologize for, whether it’s simply to fill silence or feeling nervous, or not wanting to seem demanding over something.
TikToker @APowerMood shared different alternatives to always saying "sorry."
An alternative to "Sorry I'm late" -
“Thanks for waiting for me, I appreciate your patience."
This acknowledges that you're taking up people's time, but still gives off the impression that you're on top of things.
An alternative to "Sorry I messed up" -
"Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to get up-to-speed on that.”
This tells people that you've actually learned from the experience.
An alternative to "Sorry to bother you" -
“Is now a good time for a quick question?"
Each one of these alternatives also comes with you having to be confident in your abilities while appreciating your peers or whoever you apologize to instead of taking things personally.
Photo: OAWRS/Pexels
Watch the video for Sisanie, Tanya Rad and Ryan Seacrest's thoughts on this!