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Ryan Seacrest

Ryan is quite simply one of the most influential, well-regarded, and well-known names in Hollywood. He is the quintessential Hollywood insider who...Full Bio


Three Sleep Tips We All Hear That Are Actually Myths

Photo: Pexels

We’re always aiming to get a good night’s sleep and try any tips and tricks we are told to help us sleep earlier, and stay down longer. 

Ryan Seacrest shared on-air that these sleep tips we all hear are actually myths!

These three sleep myths are…

GO TO BED EARLY- Just go to bed when you’re tired. Laying awake will stress you out and you’ll end up sleeping later than usual.

SHOOT FOR 8 HOURS - That’s a luxury, and everyone is different. If you do sleep this long daily, consider yourself lucky!

SLEEP IN ON THE WEEKEND - You may think doing this would be a good reset, but it actually throws off your body clock. Come Sunday night, you can’t sleep early enough to wake up early on Monday. It’s called “social jet lag.”

Did you know these were myths?! Shocking right?

Let us know on social what you think about this! @onairwithryan

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