The hit docu-series Cheer on Netflix follows the story of the Navarro College cheer team and their journey to Nationals. The show premiered the highly-anticipated second season last month which showcases the team’s journey throughout the pandemic.
The team’s coach Monica Aldama talked to Ryan Seacrest on-air today about this emotional follow-up to the last season after many events hit the team. Not only did the team have to face a lockdown that canceled Nationals and their practices, the news of the charges made against their team member threw the team in a different direction.
“I woke up every morning and gave myself a good mat talk because I needed it,” Aldama told Seacrest about how important it was for her to keep her mental health strong during all of it to keep the team going.
Watch the full interview above with Coach Monica and Seacrest and be sure to check out the second season of Cheer streaming now on Netflix.