If you'll remember, Sisanie shared prior to welcoming baby No. 3 she wanted a unique name, one that wasn't on the top 1,000 social security website list. So, how did she come up with the name Siveya?
Ryan Seacrest shared on-air while Sis is on maternity leave there was a lot of thought behind the moniker.
Seacrest explained they really liked the name Veya, but Sisanie was convinced it sounded too much like daughter Aiza. When they landed on the sound of Siveya, they went back and forth on the spelling for some time.
Sisanie and Michael decided ultimately on Siveya because they felt it was the way most people would pronounce it correctly and “SIV” are Sisanie’s initials.
How cute is that? What's your favorite baby name? Sound off on social @OnAirWithRyan