Are you being passive-aggressive and not even realizing it? Sisanie shared on-air with Ryan Seacrest there are five common phrases employees use that are actually considered petty.
1. “Per my last email...”
What it actually means: “You didn’t really read what I wrote. Pay attention this time!”
2. “For future reference...”
What it actually means: “Let me correct your blatant ‘mistake’ that you already knew was wrong.”
3. “Bumping this to the top of your inbox...”
What it actually means: “This is the third time I’ve asked you. I need you to get this done.”
4. “Just to be sure we’re on the same page...”
What this actually means: “I’m going to cover my butt here and make sure that everyone who refers to this email in the future knows that I was right all along.”
5. “Going forward...”
What it actually means: “Do not ever do that again.”
Have you sent these before? Watch back the on-air moment above to find out which Seacrest actually prefers! Sound off on social @OnAirWithRyan