If you’ve been on TikTok, then you’ve likely come across USC student Juliette’s now viral video of herself cooking a steak in a toaster. The senior, who is a business major, joined Ryan Seacrest on-air on Thursday, November 19, and shared how she to cooking with unconventional appliances and amassed more than 11 million views.
“I’m in college. I don’t have a stove or an oven so I have to be a little creative with how I cook gourmet meals,” Juliette, whose username is @itsmeju1iette on TikTok shared. “So I have a straightener, I have an iron, and I have a toaster and a coffee maker and I wanted a steak so I just popped it in and there we go.”
Yes, she’s also made Spaghetti and meatballs in a coffee maker, hot dogs in her clothes dryer, a cheeseburger on an iron and eggs and bacon with a hair straightener.
“It completely worked,” she added of the steak. "I’m not just saying that to prove everyone wrong, but it completely cooked it. Like, I ate the steak.”
So how did she do it? “It was like 3 or 4 times [and] I had to toast it on high heat,” she dished, adding that she’s still trying to conquer cooking an egg with a hair dryer.
“People are more mad about how I put A1 sauce on the steak,” she hilariously concluded.
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