If you're a parent looking for resources to help you raise and teach your kids in the wake of George Floyd and the countless other deaths, you might not know where to start. While racism and violence have been a problem across the globe for centuries, now more than ever we could be headed toward a turning point for real change.
“I’m the first to admit I’ve been uneducated and I guess maybe even ignorant to grasp how serous this is,” Ryan Seacrest’s cohost Sisanie shared on-air. “I’m sure your children have questions and you may think to yourself ‘I don’t have the right answer’ or ‘I don’t want to misspeak’ … but experts say the most important thing for parents to do right now is have that honest conversation.”
But, experts add, in an age appropriate way. That means choosing the right medium to introduce them to, be it the news, a book or podcast. They also warn that parents should assume their children are already aware of tragedies like the death of Floyd and the aftermath.
As Sisanie shared on-air, it’s important to teach children that “conversation” doesn't solve it by itself, but conversation helps them make sense of the world.
And if you don’t feel confident speaking with your children, or feel as if you don’t have all the answers, that too can be an opportunity for you to learn with them.
Check out a few recommended resources below and click here for more ways to help in the wake of Floyd’s death: