Have trouble sleeping? Have anxiety? Have chronic pain that nothing seems to help? Meet CBD! Ryan Seacrest celebrated the launch of Shayna Taylor’s new CBD line, Bottle & Stone, on-air on Wednesday, April 22.
CBD stands for cannabidiol. CBD is an all-natural cannabidiol that comes directly from the hemp plant and is a legal, non-THC alternative with a plethora of wellness benefits. Bottle & Stone, Shayna shared on-air, is also grown certified organic straight from a farm in Vermont.
“It doesn’t get you high,” Shayna clarified on-air, revealing CBD has personally helped ease her scoliosis pain. “Everyone is still learning the difference between marijuana and hemp and the difference is the higher THC level in marijuana and …more CBD in hemp plants so you get all the CBD benefits.”
Benefits include aid with sleep, anxiety and pain relief.
“I have a pinched nerve, scoliosis," Shayna shared. "Ryan knows; I complain about my pinched nerve all the time — it sucks because you live with it every day and it’s sad to say that it becomes your normal but CBD has really helped me with one, the pain, and [two], relaxing,” Shayna added.
Bottle & Stone offers an array of products including easy, on-the-go Daily Dose Hemp Mint Spritzes and Daily Dose Cinnamon Tinctures.
Amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, Shayna’s company is also helping those on the frontlines. For each bottle of CBD purchased, Bottle & Stone will donate CBD to support friends, family members and neighbors who are working on the frontlines to fight COVID-19.
Learn more from Shayna in the video above and check out her CBD line here!