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We're back with the horoscopes for your week!
ARIES – You’re tempted to say no to someone because it’s a power move, but you really want to say yes. Don’t let ego get in the way. Your week is a 9.0
TAURUS – You have a wall up right now that’s preventing good things from getting in – tear it down. Your week is an 8.1
GEMINI- You are so caught up in your problems… you’re missing the good stuff right in front of your face. Your week is a 7.2
CANCER – You may not get exactly what you want exactly when you want it but your good efforts do add up. Your week is a 6.5
LEO – You are on somewhat of a ride right now – get ready for the highs, lows, twists and turns. Your week is a 7.4
VIRGO – If you aren’t happy with where you are right now, don’t seek to fulfill yourself through superficial means. Your week is a 6.9
LIBRA – Keep it classy and civil and your week can be very peaceful and fulfilling. Your week is an 8.9
SCORPIO – Rather than being passive don’t allow that small issue to turn into a bigger one. Nip it in the bud. Your week is a 7.7
SAGITTARIUS – Someone you know well may surprise you today. Your week is a 9.9!
CAPRICORN – Figure out a way to let out the pressure that has been building inside of you – exercise, dancing, just get it out. Your week is a 7.9
AQUARIUS – Take accountability for your actions and your entire perspective will change. Your week is a 6.0
PISCES – Don’t let fear stop you from pursuing what you really want - that’s what you truly deserve. Your week is an 8.4
How's your week looking?
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