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Topless Dad Walks In While Reporter Working From Home Delivers The News

Millions of Americans have been working from home to help slow the spread of coronavirus. They have all had to adapt to doing all the things they are used to doing at their job site from the confines of their own home. Workers are now contending with family members, kids, pets and many other distractions. Usually they are able to power through the challenges without too many issues, but one reporter in Florida couldn't.

Jessica Lang, a reporter for Florida's Suncoast News Network has been trying to find a balance while working from her home. She even recruited her mother to be her cameraperson, and Jessica seemed to be pulling off a report on coronavirus from her kitchen... that is until her dad ruined everything.

Jessica was delivering her report but then noticed her mom's face, suspected something was up, and cut herself off mid-sentence to find out why her mother looked so shocked. Annoyed, Lang asked, "What did you do mom?" but then Jessica turned around and saw what her mom was looking at - her dad walking into the kitchen while putting on a t-shirt. Furious with the topless intrusion, Jessica yelled, "Dad, holy crap!" as her father tries to back out of the shot like he was never there.

Thankfully, it wasn't a live report so it never made it to air, but Jessica thought it was funny enough to share. She posted it on Twitter with the caption, "Work from home they said, it'll be fine they said."

It clearly resonated with people - it's been liked over 11,000 times.

Photo: Twitter/JessDLang