Stewart, the cute corgi who portrayed "Captain Raymond Holt's" dog "Cheddar" on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, has died at the age of 13. The dog's owner announced the sad news with an Instagram post that explained how Stewart passed away "peacefully." It reads:
“We went to the beach (his favorite place) where he frolicked in the surf and then enjoyed a picnic lunch of In & Out burgers. We relaxed in the sun and just enjoyed each other’s company. Our veterinarian met us there later and Stewart went to sleep peacefully in my arms while listening to the sounds of the ocean. He was a one in a million kind of dog, he was my supaah staah.”
Stewart made a name for himself with his comedic sense on the police sitcom. Some of his more memorable scenes included being a ring bearer at "Jake's" (Andy Samberg) wedding, where he passed out from eating too much cake, and helping out the squad on their Halloween heists.
Though Stewart wasn't the only pooch to play "Cheddar," he did it for the longest. His trainer told Entertainment Weekly that Stewart would "repeat mistakes "over and over again just because he can get the laugh."
Relive some of Stewart's greatest on-screen moments here.
Photo: YouTube/BrooklynNineNine