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The Most Popular Halloween Candy In Each State

With Halloween rapidly approaching (and I mean, RAPIDLY. It's less than 3 weeks and I have no idea how THAT happened!), it's time to start thinking about what kind of candy you're going to get for trick or treaters!

Or what kind of candy you're going to get for your house that you *could* hand out, but also that you might want to snack on while you wait. Either way.

But analyzed the most popular candies in each state and found out what is the most purchased Halloween candy in each place!


Okay so, here in California we're all about those M&Ms, apparently. Nevada loves Hershey's Kisses, Alaska loves Twix, Texas is into Starburst, and, oddly, Louisiana is all about Lemonheads, of all things.

I personally wouldn't have expected plain ole M&Ms to be our state's most-purchased candy, maybe I was expecting more of a Reeses or Sour Patch Kids (which are clearly popular across the country!)

Now I'm craving candy. GREAT!

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Photo: Getty Images