Photo: Getty/Sean Connelly TikTok
A few months ago we met a teacher named Sean Connelly. He's a special ed teacher who puts math calculations to pop music to help kids learn easier!
For example, he helped students calculate perimeters using Harry Styles' "As It Was" and Miley Cyrus helped them count by 7's.
What better way to help the kids learn than to get someone to help the kids learn the STEPS of multiplying, like PEMDAS. The order of operations.
And what's a good song to do that to?
"Step By Step" by New Kids on the Block!
And we told Mr. C that we would get one of the members of NKOTB to sing it for the kids. And we got the one and only Joey McIntyre to help us out!
Listen to Joey's rendition of "Step By Step" (Math version) for Mr. C's class!