Hack: If You Make Your Own Face Mask, Use This ...

Face masks aren't going away any time soon, so if you're in need of adding to your collection, you can look no further than your closet! Ryan Seacrest shared in today's hack if you're making your own non-medical grade masks, the best material to use is from a T-shirt!


Researchers share they’re made of breathable fabrics, but are also able to block droplets. It is critical to emphasize that maintaining 6-feet social distancing remains important to slowing the spread of the virus and to be sure to wash your DIY face masks after each use. The CDC suggests you wash your cloth face covering after each use in the washing machine or by hand using a bleach solution and allowing it to completely dry before using again.

That said, we all have T-shirts we haven’t worn in years and will never wear again so why not give them a new life?

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