Best Workout Apps for Walking & Running Amid COVID-19 Quarantine

With all the time spent inside due to the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, and, for me, working from home, finding the motivation to workout can be tough. But it's especially important during these stationary times to be moving -- especially when it comes to mental health. Getting outside is key! Find a few apps I've found helpful when it comes to my Tanya Time.


This app is the best for getting motivated to be more active, which we could all use from time to time!

Couch to 5K

OK, the name in itself explains a lot but it helps for building confidence and setting new goals


Looking to start a regular walking or running routine? Look no further

Nike Training Club

This has been my go-to app for awhile now when it comes to my runs. It has everything from run tracking to photo sharing and even audio coaching!

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