OAWRS Digital Editorial Producer Cuts Off Tip of Finger and OMG

Ouch! On Air With Ryan Seacrest digital editorial producer Sierra Marquina shared with Ryan Seacrest on-air on Wednesday, February 26, how she accidentally cut off the tip of her finger in a kitchen accident. (Warning: Potentially nauseating content ahead!)

It all went down when Tanya Rad was coming over on a Sunday and just so happened to be the same day Mercury went into retrograde. 

Sierra was trying to trim a bouquet of hydrangea flowers. Scissors weren’t cutting it (pun intended) when she reached for a kitchen knife instead. The knife was so sharp it went straight through the flowers — and the tip of her finger 😱

Watch back the on-air video above to find out what happened and to see Seacrest and the team’s reaction.

PSA: Severed finger accidents are one of the most common ER visits. If you ever cut off your finger, follow the below steps ASAP:

  • If there are people around, get someone else’s attention for help.
  • Don’t remove any jewelry or any clothing from the injured area.
  • Call an ambulance or ask someone to rush you to the emergency room. Apply pressure and keep your hand elevated.
  • If you have a complete amputation, look for your severed finger part or ask someone to look for it.
  • DON’T PLACE A SEVERED FINGER DIRECTLY ON ICE OR ANYTHING FROZEN: This can damage it. Keep it with you until you’re able to see the doctor. Bring your amputated finger with you to the emergency room. Don’t give it to anyone else to hold in case you get separated.

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