Send Help! Sisanie's Followers Share Mosquito Bite Remedies

Mosquitos be gone! Summer might be over, but Sisanie can’t escape the pesky insects biting her. After Ryan Seacrest’s cohost got attacked on her legs over the weekend, she turned to her Instagram followers to ask for remedies to help ease the itch.

“I posted this picture of my legs because I got attacked the other day,” Sisanie explained, sharing the image again of her legs covered in bug bites. “I had maybe 20 bites on my legs. … And I wanted to share this with everybody because so many of my followers had such great suggestions that I’d never even heard of before,” Sis added, revealing that there are many tips and tricks to help stop the itch.

For example, Sisanie shared that her followers recommended everything from rubbing a banana peel on the bites, to putting fresh lemon or rubbing alcohol on the area or even purchasing a product that can “suck the salvia” out of the bit to stop the itch.

Listen back to the on-air moment above to join the conversation and to find out more remedies, including what Ryan suggests placing out to prevent bugs in the first place. Plus, share your own on social at @OnAirWithRyan

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