Nicki Minaj Opens Up About Her Past Toxic Relationship

Nicki Minaj, who revealed earlier this summer she and her boyfriend Kenneth Petty have already gotten a marriage license, just came to the defense of women caught in toxic relationships in a series of tweets.

Admitting she herself was in one for years, she writes in part:

"I really used to think love had to hurt. So I could never look down on anyone else...It’s not easy to leave. Especially in the era of Instagram where all people want to do is post relationship goal pics for clout and attention...The difference you see in me now is that feeling when a woman feels lifted up, safe, appreciated and unconditionally loved...But I first had to learn to love myself."

By the way Nicki’s twitter handle is now Mrs. Petty, but she said she will officially tie the knot within the next couple months and has never been happier.

See Nicki’s full posts below:

Photo: Getty Images

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