Sisanie Shares Baby Travel Hack You Can’t Live Without

Mom dilemma alert! Sisanie needs your advice on how to fly long distance with the twins for the first time. In the latest episode of Off-Air With Sisanie in the video above, Sis also shares a baby travel hack you can’t live without!

“I feel like we’ve been talking about a lot of different mom-teated topics Off-Air and I want to know what advice you have for me when it comes to traveling with infants,” Sisanie shares. “I have twins and I’m just really intimidated, honestly.”

Sis explains that she’s done long road trips — six hours to San Francisco and they slept a majority of the time — and also mini getaways to surrounding areas like Palm Springs, but they have yet to board a flight.

Given that children under two can fly for free, she wants to take advantage of their time now — but isn’t sure how to best and most efficiently go about it!

Watch back the video above to join the convo and sound off in the comments below with your advice. PLUS! Sisanie has a hotel room baby hack you have to hear!

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