Kelly Ripa Tells LOL Oscars Tequila Story: ‘I Was Nine Sheets to the Wind’

It’s official: Kelly Ripa is our dream BFF. Ryan Seacrest’s Live With Kelly and Ryan cohost stopped by the studio on Wednesday, February 20, ahead of the 2019 Oscars this weekend and recalled the one time she drank too much tequila backstage at the awards show. 

Each year, Kelly and Ryan head to the Oscars, where they interview the stars and also chat with them the morning after to continue the celebration with Live's After Oscar Show.

“I will say this, actors love tequila apparently,” Kelly told Ryan, sharing she keeps tequila with her backstage while interviewing the stars as they come off the stage after accepting their award. “…If one comes back … and says they have tequila backstage, then people will come backstage and they're like, ‘I heard there was tequila behind this curtain?' And then there we are with a camera and I’m like. ‘Yeah, you can have tequila, but you have to sit here and talk to us.' And you’d be surprised how many are so desperate for a drink that they’re like, ‘OK, I don’t normally do press, but OK I need a cocktail.’”

As for if Kelly partakes in the tequila drinking, she joked she learned the hard way.

“I think it was two years ago we were going shot-for-shot with the actors,” Kelly said. “I realized four actors in that I was very drunk and I had an entire night ahead of me. We were still on Supporting Actor and I was nine sheets to the wind!”

Listen back to the full interview above for more and catch the Oscars live on Sunday, February 24, at 5pm PT on ABC and tune into Live's After Oscar Show with Kelly and Ryan on Monday, February 25!

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