Tanya Rad Gives Caller Seriously Inspiring Breakup Advice You Need to Hear

We’ve all been there. A caller named Kate phoned in to On Air With Ryan Seacrest to ask Tanya Rad breakup advice and our own self-proclaimed modern woman delivered. Even if you aren’t going through a breakup, this advice is spot on for living a happy, healthy and independent lifestyle.

Kate explained in the audio below that she and her man were together on-and-off for a year and a half before he recently broke up with her via text (@!&*!!!, we know 😡).

“My question was,” Kate asked on-air. “Tanya, I want to know how you can be so comfortable and happy being single?”

Listen back to the audio to hear Tanya’s answer and see below for more advice straight from our girl herself:

How can you be so comfortable and happy being single? This is a question I get asked SO MUCH!

SO I wanted to take the time to answer this for our listener Kate but also for everyone else that has asked me!

First being single DOES NOT mean being lonely. I am very intentional with my time & I have spent my time investing and creating the most beautiful friendships in my life.

My friends are my heart and I can say with all the faith in the world these people would be there for me through anything life throws my way – and that is a BEAUTIFUL thing.

Also, I try to appreciate every moment for what it has to offer. I know that marriage and family is in my future so I am grateful for the time I have now to do what I want, when I want.

If I want to sleep in – I can. If I want to spend 3 hours at the farmers market – I can. It won’t be like that for the rest of my life so I am focusing on appreciating each season of my life for the benefits vs. the shortcomings.

Take this time to really think about what YOU want in a partner. Make a mental **and I enjoy a physical list** of the most important attributes you want in a partner. Once you are clear about what you want – you will stop giving discounts!!!!

Look – breakups suck and there’s NO WAY around that. Feel the pain, feel the hurt, but pick yourself back up and keep trying. Because honestly, someone that doesn’t want to have you in their life isn’t worth your tears for more than a day!

Trust me this is coming from a girl who wasted TOO MUCH time crying over a bad breakup.

I hope this helps!





You got this!

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