Ryan Shares Embarrassing Bathroom Story That Will Make You LOL and Gag 😂

Ever had a terribly embarrassing public restroom mishap? Well, it happens to even Ryan Seacrest 😂 Ryan confided in Tanya Rad and Sisanie on-air on Wednesday, October 9, that over the weekend, he was seriously embarrassed after being caught up in a restaurant’s plumbing issue. 

“I was riding my bike for an hour or so and then I go to this restaurant on my bike … and I’m siting there and I go I have to go to the bathroom, I’d had some coffee during the day, … and has anything ever terribly embarrassing happened to you at a bathroom in public?” Ryan teased, before making us all both cringe and gag. 

Ryan explained that he went to use the bathroom but an employee rushed after him warning that two of the three stalls were out of service due to a plumbing issue. 

“I go into the stall and I’ve had coffee so I need to sit down,” Ryan continued. “So I sit down, and as I sit down, my bum is in water. I didn’t look, and apparently the plumbing had also been a problem in the first stall so there I am in water seated and I froze — I couldn’t do anything.”

This is the part where we gagged 🤢🤢🤢

“I stand up mortified and they don’t have paper towels, just that air dryer,” Ryan hilariously added. “… Meanwhile, I’m like ‘God, I hope someone is watching over me and there aren’t people waiting in line.’ … Now I’m disgusted and am panicked that people are going to be outside and think that I’ve clogged up the toilet.”

And, of course, there were people waiting in line 😂😂😂 Watch back the not-funny-but-funny on-air moment in the video above to find out what happened next 

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