Inside Sisanie’s Stunning Baby Shower!

Sisanie’s twins-to-be couldn’t be more loved! We celebrated our girl Sis on Sunday, March 18, with a baby shower held at West Hollywood’s chic eatery Estrella. 

The twins-to-be were fétted with a gorgeous custom cake by The Cake Mamas which featured intricate details, including succulents and toy alphabet boxes that went perfectly with the party's custom floral arrangements by Blackbird Chateau. 

Guests noshed on dishes including burrata and heirloom salads and vegetarian frittatas for the first plated course before indulging in main dishes of chicken, ravioli, grilled trout and cauliflower and potato soup. 

While guests enjoyed a mimosa bar, Sis sipped on mom-osa approved non-alcoholic sparking cider.

See all the stunning pics!

And click here to read Sisanie's latest #HumpDayBumpDay!

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